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  1. A database account with access to the Rice database
  2. Procure the UC Davis-specific JARs for the modules you will be embedding along with any of their associated dependencies using either of the following methods:
    • Download ucd-rice-standalone-server-impl WAR from Artifactory , selecting the most recent version. This WAR contains all dependencies.
    • Download JARs for the specific module from this location in the Artifactory , selecting the most recent version.
  3. A certificate for the machines hosting the client application that will be connecting to the Rice Standalone Server.
    • Development Environments
      • For the development environments, you may generate a self signed certificate for the client machine and add to the attached rice-test.keystore using the following command:
        Code Block
        keytool -keystore rice-test.keystore -storepass nowUCme_nowUdont -v -alias <your alias> -genkeypair -validity 9999 -dname "CN=<your fully qualified machine name>, OU=<your organization>, O=UC Davis, L=Davis, ST=California, C=US"
      • Install the updated rice.keystore in your environment where it will be referenced in the rice configuration files.
      • A copy of the updated rice.keystore must also be installed on the Rice Standalone Server, and all Rice clients it the environment (KFS, KC).
      • An additional cert is required for client applications connecting to the rice-sandboxes environment. The machine does not currently have an InCommon cert, therefore a certificate from (rice-sandboxes_ucdavis_edu.pem) must be imported into the java cacerts bundle on the client machine. The following command shows how to import the cert (attached) for the development machine:
        Code Block
        keytool -importcert -file rice-sandboxes_ucdavis_edu.pem -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -alias
      • Certificates for the various development environments (rice-sandboxes, rice-testint1, rice-qa-a, rice-qa-b) are attached to this document.
    • Production Environment
      • For the production environment, an InCommon Certificate is required for the machine(s) which will be connecting to the production Rice Standalone Server.
      • The InCommon cert must be installed in the production rice keystore as well as the keystore of all rice client applications.
      • For more information on how to request an InCommon certificate for your application, visit the following link and click on the SSL Certificate category: MyUCDavis > UCD Resources > Software
