Shibboleth for SSO at UC Davis

Shibboleth for SSO at UC Davis

Shibboleth/SAML for SSO at UC Davis

What is Shibboleth and SAML?

Why use Shibboleth/SAML?

  • If you might (eventually) wish to share your application to non-UC Davis clients, e.g. another UC campus.
  • When attributes such as name, email address etc. need to be made available to your application when a client logs in, e.g. for personalization.
  • When attribute values might be required to make access/authorization decisions, e.g. client affiliation.

Shibboleth-enabled applications, use cases, demonstrations, authentication workflow and necessary technical skills

Steps to get started

Shibboleth SP Configuration Guide for installing an SP yourself

SAML SSO Vendor Integration

Supported platforms for the SP


